Tue, Feb 26, 2008 5:44 PM From: Howard Siegel To: StockbridgeMA_BComm Subject: December, 11 2007 CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES December 11, 2007 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, Chair, convened the meeting at 7:00pm. Members present: John Hart, Steve Shatz, George Shippey, Jim Schantz, Joe DeGiorgis and Cathy Plakun. Minutes Approval: Motion by Member Shatz, seconded by Member DeGiorgis to approve the Minutes of November 27, 2007 as presented. Unanimous. John Sugarman – 42 Interlaken Road, RDA – Motion by Member Shatz, seconded by Member DeGiorgis to close the hearing. Unanimous. The Commission signed the RDA. Dry Hydrants – Park Street – Fire Chief Louis Peyron presented. Foresight Engineering will prepare the NOI with a price; the Town is the applicant. This will be a long term project. Trustees of Reservations – Naumkeag – Steve McMahon stated that the culvert under Church Street is owned by an abutter. The Trustees will attempt to keep the cattle from the wet area. The drainage will be opened. Also, the plants will be evaluated within the next year. Dr. David Goldberg – Rattlesnake Mountain Road, ANRAD – John Boleng of Civil/Architectural Design presented. Member Hart, as an abutter to this property, recused himself from the Commission. Fees: Motion by Shatz, seconded by Member DeGiorgis that the fees will be at $200.00 - total $600.00, as per Form A. Unanimous. The resource area was delineated (filed ANRAD). Motion by Member Shatz, seconded by Member Shippey to close the hearing. Unanimous. Note: The Commission received a check for $12.50 to cover an error in the filing fee. David Thorne – Lot 2 Madison’s Way – Leah Daignault from Greylock Design Associates presented. A site visit was set for Friday, December 21 at 7:30 am. White – 21 Ice Glen Road – Continued. Birnhak – 11 Mahkeenac Road – Shannon Boomsma, White Engineering regarding a Certificate of Compliance. The Commission agreed not to issue the Certificate because the patio was built without approval. Fechter – 7 Mahkeenac Terrace – Shannon Boomsma regarding the removal of a large tree. A site visit will be required. Gorbach – 23 Mahkeenac Terrace – Revisions to the plan were insignificant, on motion by Member DeGiorgis, seconded by Member Shatz. Unanimous. Member Shippey made motion to adjourn at 8:15pm, seconded by Member Plakun and all voted in favor. Respectively submitted, George Shippey, Temporary Secretary