Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: September 12, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version MEETING – Monday, Sept. 12, 2005 PRESENT – Stockbridge Board of Assessors – John A. Miller, Chairman Cecilia K. Killfoile William D. Campbell Principal Assessor - Michael T. Blay Assessors’ Clerk - Denise A. Schneyer The Board discussed the following items at their weekly meeting: Last Week’s Minutes – The Board reviewed the Minutes of August 29, 2005 and had no questions but there were no minutes of Sept. 6, as there wasn’t a meeting. Bills – The Board signed a bill from the Registry of Deeds in the amount of $25.50 for deeds received thus far. Payroll Vouchers – The Board signed payroll vouchers for Michael and Denise. Changes on Computer – Michael is almost done doing changes on the computer for the interior inspections done as part of our 10-year ReVal Program. ReCap Sheet/Tax Rate – ATB Cases – Michael will call Jane Huggins to set up an appt. for a house inspection and Erika Goldberg will call Michael to set up a meeting with the Board in a couple of weeks. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m. Denise A. Schneyer, Clerk