Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: March, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... MEETING - Monday, March 6, 2006 PRESENT - Stockbridge Board of Assessors - John A. Miller, Chairman Cecilia K. Killfoile William D. Campbell Assessors' Clerk - Denise A. Schneyer The Board discussed the following items at their weekly meeting: Last Week's Minutes - The Board reciewed last week's minutes and had no questions. Bills - There were no bills received for the week. Payroll Vouchers - The Board signed payroll vouchers for Michael and Denise. Roll-Back Tax Commitment - The Board signed a commitment for the payment from Philip Wallach for roll-back taxes for the land taken out of Chapter 61 and sold. Exemption Application - The Board signed a blind exemption application for Emily Shalit. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 a.m. Denise A. Schneyer, Clerk MEETING - Monday, March 20, 2006 PRESENT - Stockbridge Board of Assessors - John A. Miller, Chairman Cecilia K. Killfoile William D. Campbell Principal Assessor - Michael T. Blay Assessors' Clerk - Denise A. Schneyer The Board discussed the following items at their weekly meeting: Last Week's Minutes - The Board reviewed last week's Minutes and had no questions. Bills - The Board signed a bill from Viking Office Products for a reader/writer in the amount of $41.97. Payroll Vouchers - The Board signed payroll vouchers for all but John. Meeting in Becket - We will not be attending the round table meeting in Becket on Friday, March 31. Meeting with Selectmen - Michael will be meeting with the Selectmen and John Hart tonight to discuss the assessment process. Sales Book - The sales book for FY07 has been started. Second Half of Tax Bills - The second half of real/personal tax bills have been started and will go out next week. Exemptions and Abatement - Denise has finished entering the exemptions and abatement in the computer and will do the abatements this week. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Denise A. Schneyer, Clerk MEETING - Monday, March 27, 2006 PRESENT - Stockbridge Board of Assessors - John A. Miller, Chairman Cecilia K. Killfoile William D. Campbell Principal Assessor - Michael T. Blay Assessors' Clerk - Denise A. Schneyer The Board discussed the following items at their weekly meeting: Last Week's Minutes - The Board reviewed last week's minutes and had no questions. Bills - There were no bills received for the week. Payroll Vouchers - The Board signed payroll vouchers for Michael and Denise. Overlay Account - We have to keep Mylars to Parsons - Michael brought our map mylars to Parsons for reprinting, as all of the changes have been made. Exemption/Applications - The Board reviewed and signed the exemption and abatement applications, certificates and monthly. Denise will process.