Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: June 6, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version MEETING – Monday, June 6, 2005 PRESENT – Stockbridge Board of Assessors – John A. Miller, Chairman Cecilia K. Killfoile William D. Campbell Principal Assessor - Michael T. Blay Assessors Clerk - Denise A. Schneyer The Board discussed the following items at their weekly meeting: Last Week’s Minutes – The Board discussed the following items at their weekly meeting: Bills – There were no bills received for the week. Payroll Vouchers – The Board signed payroll vouchers for Michael and Denise. Response from Robert Curtis – Michael informed the Board of the response from Robert Curtis, son-in-law of Paulette Tetenbaum, regarding setting up a time for an interior inspection for an accurate bedroom count of the property. Response from Brigitte McDonald – Brigitte McDonald brought in a copy of the deed for the piece of property she and her husband sold to Estanne Abraham Fawer. We never received a deed from the Registry of Deeds. State Owned Land Values from the State – We received a letter from the State giving a value of $5,101,900 for state owned land in Stockbridge. Changes on Computer – Michael is continuing making inspection changes on the computer. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Denise A. Schneyer, Clerk