Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: July 11, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... MEETING – Monday, July 11, 2005 PRESENT – Stockbridge Board of Assessors – John A. Miller, Chairman William D. Campbell Principal Assessor - Michael T. Blay Assessors’ Clerk - Denise A. Schneyer The Board discussed the following items at their weekly meeting: Last Week’s Minutes – There was no meeting last week. Bills – The Board signed a bill from Marshall & Swift for our yearly subscription to The Residential Cost Handbook in the amount of $180.95 and an expense voucher to UMASS for Michael’s attendance for the annual schooling in the amount of $550.00. Payroll Vouchers – The Board signed payroll vouchers for Michael and Denise. Budget Balances – Michael will give Elaine a memo authorizing her to carry over money from our FY05 budget to FY06. Exemption Reimbursements – The Board signed the exemption reimbursements and Denise will e-mail the forms to the State and mail the originals. Remaining Pictures for 10-Year Re-Val – Todd from Vision Appraisal Technology will be here this week tanking pictures of the remaining properties that were not done as part of the 10-Year Re-Val. Changes on Computer – Michael is still working on the changes from the 10-Year inspections. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Denise A. Schneyer, Clerk