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McMenamy 2009 [ ] [ ] George Shippey, Chairman 2008 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Check the SORT box to sort alphabetically by that column. Sorting DOES NOT show up on the form. Check the NEW TABLE box to create a new table with a title (place text in the first column). Check the COL HEAD box to create column headers (text in a column activates that column). Additional Links Meeting Minutes: /Public_Documents/StockbridgeMA_SelMin/ Meeting Agendas: Additional Links: Additional Links title (in dark green) can be changed. Text: Massachusetts Municipal Association Link: [ ] New Window Text: Division of Local Services - Department of Revenue Link: [ ] New Window Text: Department of Housing and Community Development Link: [ ] New Window Text: Department of Environmental Protection Link: [ ] New Window Text: Massachusetts Office on Disability Link: [ ] New Window Text: Massachusetts Association of Health Boards Link: [ ] New Window Text: Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commission Link: [ ] New Window Text: Calendar of Training Events for Local Officials Link: [ ] New Window Text: State Government Link: [ ] New Window Text: The State Ethics Commission Link: [ ] New Window Text: Annual Town Report (year ended 12/31/2004) Link: ..\StockbridgeMA_Webdocs\2004townreport.pdf [ ] New Window Text: Annual Town Report (year ended 12/31/2005) Link: ..\StockbridgeMA_Webdocs\stockbridge2005townrep.pdf [ ] New Window Text: Annual Town Report (year ended 12/31/2006) Link: ..\StockbridgeMA_Webdocs\2006TownReport.pdf [ ] New Window Text: Link: [ ] New Window Text: Link: [ ] New Window Text: Link: [ ] New Window Text: Link: [ ] New Window Text: Link: [ ] New Window The board of selectmen (also known as select board or BoS), usually composed of three or five members, is the chief executive body in a town. Although the board has overall responsibility for general operations of the town, the extent of the board's authority is determined by how the town government is structured. A centralized government puts the BoS in charge of appointing most of the boards, commissions, and town officials. In a decentralized government, many of the officers, boards, and commissions are elected, so the authority of the BoS is limited. Another factor determining the role of the BoS is whether there is a town manager / administrator and how much authority that person has under a charter to determine how your town government is structured. You will become familiar with several key topics. First, the Conflict of Interest Law covers what is and is not allowed according to state law regarding personal and business activities undertaken by board members. Second, the Open Meeting Law establishes, with very limited exceptions, that meetings are open to the public and must be posted for public notice. Next, the Public Records Law defines what are considered public records and how to manage them. Finally, the American with Disabilities Act, which requires that public facilities be assessable to disabled persons, is a current topic for many towns that are coping with making town halls and other public facilities accessible. Monitor Municipal Finance This will involve everything from creating the budget to setting tax rates. You will often work with a finance committee that provides review and recommendations. Manage Town Meeting This includes putting together town warrants, setting up annual and special town meetings, working with the moderator to assure the proper functioning of the meetings, and publishing the annual town report. Work with Key Municipal Offices The following offices are important to the administration of the town: town moderator, town clerk, treasurer, tax collector, assessor, board of registrars of voters, and finance / advisory committee. Manage Official and Employees What the BoS handles will vary depending on the role of the town manager of administrator. Among the possibilities are labor relations; personnel department, including hiring department heads; and civil rights and discrimination issues. Oversee Town Operations The departments that handle operations include police, fire, ambulance, highway / pubic works, and parks and recreation. You will also have to work with the public utilities and cable companies serving your town. Coordinate Key Boards and Commissions It is the responsibility of the BoS to ensure that the various boards and commissions with related duties work well together. These include the planning board, zoning board of appeals, board of health, conservation commission, and any special or ad hoc committee created by the BoS. Relate to Outside Entities There are many regional, state, and local entities with which the BoS will communicate. These include the local or regional school committee, regional planning agency; districts within the town of serving the town; town counsel; state and federal government agencies; and state and federal legislators. Maintain a Positive Public Image This duty involves both maintaining the image of the town and of the BoS itself. You will handle media relations and respond to complaints from the public. Oversee Contracts and Purchasing Towns are empowered to enter into contracts and receive grant funding. You will encounter complying with the public bidding process; overseeing contracts; hiring and working with consultants; and applying for, managing, and reporting on grants. Issue Licenses and Permits The most common licenses of permits issued by towns include business permits, entertainment licenses, and liquor licenses. You may also be responsible for other special permits stipulated in your bylaws. Additional Roles, Depending on the Bylaws of Chapter Two of the most important possible roles are to appoint or act as the zoning board of appeals (ZBA) of the board of health (BoH). The ZBA has the authority to enforce the town's zoning bylaws; while the BoH is empowered by the state statue to adopt regulations and enforce local and state health environmental codes. The BoS may also act as conservation agent, water / sewer commission, municipal light commission, park commission, and/or board of assessors, among others. Who is there to help? Massachusetts Municipal Association (617-426-7272 ; [ ] publishes the Handbook for Massachusetts Selectmen Division of Local Services - Department of Revenue (617-626-2300 ; [ ] Department of Housing and Community Development (617-727-7001 ; [ ] Department of Environmental Protection (617-292-5500 ; [ ] Massachusetts Office on Disability (617-727-7440 ; [ ] Massachusetts Association of Health Boards (508-643-0234 ; [ ] Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions (617-489-3930 ; [ ] Calendar of Training Events for Local Officials ([ ] State Government ([ ] The State Ethics Commission (888-485-4766 ; [ ] Regional Planning agency, council of governments, or other forum for surrounding towns.