Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Special Town Meeting Description: Subject/Title: Special Town Meeting Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BERKSHIRE COUNTY To one of the constables of the Town of Stockbridge in said county. GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town, qualified to vote in Town affairs, to meet at the STOCKBRIDGE SPORTSMEN’S CLUB 24 WEST STOCKBRIDGE ROAD in Stockbridge on TUESDAY, THE TWENTY-SECOND DAY OF JULY 2003 at six-thirty o’clock in the evening Eastern Daylight Time, for the following purposes, to wit: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds, a sum of money for the assessment of the Berkshire Hills Regional School District, or to take any other action in relation thereto. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will authorize the Board of Selectmen to convey a portion of the parcel of land shown on Town of Stockbridge Assessors’ Map 20B, Lot 51 that is currently owned by the Town of Stockbridge, being the portion to the east of the sidewalk adjacent and running parallel to the east side of Pine Street of the premises conveyed to the Inhabitants of the Town of Stockbridge by deed of Josiah Dwight, Sarah Gray and Barnabas Chidwell, dated July 5, 1799, which is recorded in the Berkshire Middle District Registry of Deeds in Book 37, Page 403, and shown as “Land of the Town of Stockbridge ‘Public Common’” on a Plan entitled “’Preliminary’ Plan of Land Surveyed for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Stockbridge, Massachusetts; February – 2003, Scale 1” = 40’” prepared by Kelly, Granger, Parsons & Associates, Inc., said plan being on file and available for inspection at the Office of the Town Clerk; or to take any other action in relation thereto. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will authorize the Board of Selectmen, in cooperation with the First Congregational Church of the United Church of Christ, to grant to the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) a preservation restriction on the Town Hall property in exchange for MHC’s providing the Town with funds to preserve, protect, rehabilitate and restore the property and buildings thereon, said property being described as follows: Beginning at a stone set in the ground in the North West corner of land now or formerly of Joseph H. Choate, Jr.; Thence north 6º 55’ West 33 feet to a stone set in the ground in the South East corner or the Town Square; Thence same course on South line of Town Square 50 2/10 feet to a stone set in the ground; Thence south 22º 45” West 306 3/10 feet to stone set in the ground in line of land now or formerly of Joseph H. Choate, Jr.; Thence south 63º 30” East 92 6/10 feet to the center of an Elm tree, being the south east corner of the Church green; Thence on the East line of the church green 311 8/10 feet to the place of beginning containing six hundred and twenty-one one thousandths (621/1000) of an acre. The Town Hall property is shown as Town of Stockbridge Assessors’ Map 20, Lot 17. or to take any other action in relation thereto. ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds, a sum of money to be added to monies voted under Article 51 of the 1998 Annual Town Meeting to repair and maintain the Chime Tower, or to take any other action in relation thereto. ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to transfer a sum of money from Certified Free Cash for the purpose of lowering the property tax rate, or to take any other action in relation thereto. ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds, a sum of money to increase the Stabilization Fund as defined in Chapter 40, section 5B of the General Laws, or to take any other action in relation thereto. ARTICLE 7. To transact any other business that may legally come before this meeting. You are directed to post true and attested copies of this Warrant, one in each of the Post Offices of said Town, the Town Hall, and Interlaken Firehouse, at least seven days before time of said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the undersigned or to the Town Clerk at or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands at Stockbridge, July 7, 2003. Board of Selectmen J. Cristopher Irsfeld, Chairman Deborah S. McMenamy George E. Shippey ______________________ ________________________ Indicate Method of Service Date POSTED AT: Stockbridge Post Office ______________________ Glendale Post Office Constable Stockbridge Fire Department Interlaken Fire Department Stockbridge Town Hall