Mon, Aug 01, 2005 10:42 AM From: Ernie Lowell To: StockbridgeMA Bulletins Subject: July 2005 Sewer Project Update (revised) July, 2005 Dear Future Sewer User: We are finally heading down the home stretch to completion and wanted to let you know that F.R. Mahony & Associates has agreed to extend the deadline on the guaranteed price for their sewer grinder pump to September 30, 2005. For those of you have not yet ordered therefore, you may continue to purchase the pump until that date at the set price of $2,450.00, plus sales tax of $122.50 for a total of $2,572.50. This price is for the E/One pump, Model number 2010-93 and orders may be placed by calling F.R. Mahony at 1-800-791-6132 and asking for either Ellen at Ext. 31 or Tracey at Ext. 29. As of this writing all pipe has been installed in the ground with the exception of one short stretch of road from the Glendale Middle Bridge to Route 183 and a pressure main from the Skateboard Park to Maple Street. Work is presently focusing on finishing the two pump stations, one in Glendale and one in Goodrich and it is hoped that the project will be substantially complete by mid-August. Before we can allow any connections, however, (other than in Mahkeenac) the new system (especially the pump stations) needs to be thoroughly tested. You will be contacted by letter when we are ready to begin accepting new sewage. In the meantime, you can fill out the required application and submit it to us for approval, so that you can be ready to begin work when the system is accepted by the Town. Copies of the application are at the Town Hall or may be downloaded from the Town’s web site at Also, for those of you with grinder pumps, the Town has an approved list of contractors who have taken a training course in their installation. This list is also available at the Town Hall as well as on the web site. Thank you for your patience. The end is in sight and we hope you agree that the results and benefits of the project will be worth the inconveniences you’ve experienced over the last two years. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our project consultant, Joseph Kellogg at 413/637-5477. Sincerely, Stockbridge Sewer and Water Commission Donald Schneyer Thomas Schuler Peter Socha [ fcp://,%231017107/MailBox/./sca.pdf ]Sewer Connection Application [ fcp://,%231017107/MailBox/./cont1.pdf ]List of Approved Contractors Previous update letters: [ fcp://,%231017107/MailBox/./nov04 ]November 2004 [ fcp://,%231017107/MailBox/./may04 ]May 2004 [ fcp://,%231017107/MailBox/./mar04 ]March 2004 [ fcp://,%231017107/MailBox/./dec03 ]December 2003 [ fcp://,%231017107/MailBox/./info ]Informational Letter September 2003